Gordana Batic

Gordana Batic


Gordana Batic

Key phrases to my work are ideas of transcendental time and metaphysical
searching for reality and identity. I want to question reality itself, and furthermore time and space as forms of that reality.
At more general point, whether painting, drawing, photography or digital work,
figurative or abstract, my work is applying to everything that is real, seeking to uncover what is ultimately real in contrast to our everyday experience of the world.
More specifically, subject matter are themes of childhood and adolescence, dreams
and memories; life, death and afterlife, time and elements of nature.
I am using different visual languages and mediums, from photographic, digital to
canvas, shifting and transforming from one to another to (re)construct and depict
structure and atmosphere of temporality through metaphorical meaning of the
composition. That is why my work speaks and echoes more of ‘mystical realism’,
implying ethical and spiritual truth rather than conceptualized political or social


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